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China Wants To Implement Social Credit System With Digital IDs In The Metaverse

China Wants To Implement Social Credit System With Digital IDs In The Metaverse

DateAug 21, 2023

A new report suggests that China is pushing proposals aiming to transplant its traditional social credit system to the metaverse as it seeks to establish greater control.

According to Politico, the proposals were initially drafted by China Mobile, the state’s telecom provider termed the “Digital Identity System” for its citizens in the metaverse. 

As discussions for global rules on emerging technologies hold sway, China is looking to push its views with experts at the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the United Nations Telecom Agency.

The proposals hope to fuse natural characteristics with social characteristics that range from personal information including names, birth or facial features, occupation, etc adding that this information would be stored with law enforcement to “keep the order and safety of the virtual world.”

The controversial social credit system in the metaverse also includes ways to clamp down on notorious activities in the virtual world. It mirrors a user who “spreads rumors and makes chaos in the metaverse,” with authorities able to track the user to maintain order. 

In light of new proposed policies, Western experts have warned against the actions of China that might lead to a government-controlled internet in the coming years. 

Chris Kremidas-Courtney, a senior fellow at the Brussels Think Tank Friends of Europe, re-echoed many analysts' views when he likened the proposals to the Chinese social credit system.

“To build a unified digital identity system, to give each human a unique digital ID that includes social characteristics from social media and occupation  …that sounds a lot like China's social credit system.”


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